message from our administrator

Hello Parents and Supporters of Galesburg Christian School,
Two years ago, as we worked to fit our student body in our current buildings, we promised you that this would not be a permanent solution. The board and I have been working hard to find the best solution to match the growth of our student body. I am excited to announce that we have purchased the previous Bethany Baptist Church building on South Academy. This building will be the future junior and senior high school for Galesburg Christian School!
This acquisition will allow for the return of the small class sizes across campus, which have been a hallmark of Galesburg Christian School since our beginning. Not only will we be adding more classrooms, but also an auditorium and a gymnasium, allowing for expanded programming for all ages. With the recent hiring of a highly qualified science teacher, we plan to have a dedicated science lab and an improved science program for our students.
Not only will a Galesburg Christian School gymnasium provide more consistent practice and open gym time for our junior/senior high school athletes to improve their game, we are also excited to announce that our athletic program will be expanding into the elementary school. We will have more announcements coming soon, but our goal is to provide a tremendous opportunity for our younger kids to develop the correct skills, Christ-like attitudes, and healthy competition that will benefit our student athletes.
The addition of an auditorium that can seat nearly 400 people will allow our drama and music programs to blossom as well. There are plans in place for a more robust drama program, a pep band, and the return of the worship band. I think one of the big benefits to our entire campus will be to simply have a little space to spread out! Our carline will be easier with our students spread out a bit, each of our lunches will feel a little bit less crowded, and I know I am looking forward to not having five people share two offices!
Our great God has certainly opened doors to allow this to happen!
-Mr. Robert Nutzhorn
The acquisition of Bethany Baptist Church as our 6th – 12th grade learning center will allow for an expansion of all programs, for all ages. Your child will be exposed to new opportunities to grow as our campus grows!
Expanding the creative arts and music programs
Integrating science courses with a fully functional laboratory
Designated indoor recreational space on both campuses
Increased capacity for all grades
educational and competitive elementary age athletics
community spaces for events and gatherings
Exploration of new 7th - 12th grade athletic offerings
Appointed space to worship God together
Opportunity to host tournaments or special events
Give towards our #expandingexcellence Campaign!
Explore Our Campuses
6th-12th Grade

Main Offices // Preschool-5th Grade

prepared building
(formerly known as the “Main Building”)

relational building
(formerly known as the “Elementary Building”)

honorable building
(formerly known as the “Preschool Building”)
Our Vision for the new Academy Campus

Exterior Concept Rendering

Main Entrance Concept Rendering

Athletic Center Concept Rendering

Auditorium Concept Rendering
You have questions, we have answers!
Below are some frequently asked questions. If you’ve read these answers and still have questions, please contact our administrator.
Will this affect my tuition?
The board has committed to funding this expansion with donations from our faithful supporters.
How will this affect class sizes?
- Small class sizes have been a hallmark of Galesburg Christian School since our beginning. This acquisition will allow us to have two classes for each grade throughout the elementary grades.
- We also plan to add a third preschool and a third K4 classroom to meet the need for preschool in our area.
- The eight classrooms in the current elementary building will hold two of each of our K4, K5, 1st, and 2nd grades.
- Our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades will move to the current junior/senior high building known as the Main Building. This will allow each of those grades to have two classrooms each as well.
- Our junior and senior high school will move to the newly acquired building. This will add more classrooms as well as an auditorium and a gymnasium, allowing the program for our older students to expand. With the recent hiring of a highly qualified science teacher, we plan to have a dedicated science lab and an improved science program for our students.
How many kids will be in my child’s class now?
- In our Preschool through fifth grade classrooms, we will have the class size limited to 16.
- Our junior/senior high classrooms will have some larger classes and some smaller classes depending on the subject being taught. They will have substantial personal attention.
How will this affect the students at the Fremont Campus?
- This expansion will benefit all GCS students. The biggest effect is an increase in space for all of our students.
- We will be able to expand our athletic and fine arts program, even into the elementary campus.
- The office personnel and Mr. Nutzhorn will remain at the Fremont Campus.
I have a 6th grader and a 4th grader, how will I get them to opposite ends of town before school and make the pick-up time happen after school?
- We will have a bus that leaves the Fremont Campus at 8:00 AM and drops off at the Academy Campus at 8:15 AM.
- The bus will leave the Academy Campus at 3:00 PM and return to the Fremont Campus at 3:15 PM.
- For the 2023-2024 school year, we will not charge for late stay until 4:00 PM for those with students at both campuses.
What sports will the elementary athletic program include?
We plan to have volleyball, soccer, basketball, and indoor soccer.
What grades will the elementary athletic program include?
- Volleyball will be 3rd-5th grades.
- Soccer will be K5-5th grades.
- Basketball will be 2nd-5th grades.
- Indoor soccer will be K5-5th grades
What grades will be in the different buildings?
- The “Honorable” building (formerly known as the “Preschool Building” will be home to three preschool classrooms and one K4 class. We will be separating classes by birthday for the 2023-2024 school year.
- The “Relational” building (formerly known as the “Elementary Building”) will house two of each of K4, K5, 1st, and 2nd grades.
- The “Prepared” building (formerly known as the “Main Building”) will house two of each of 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades.
- The new Academy Campus will house the 6th-12th grades.
Will my student have to travel back-and-forth between campuses?
- We are contemplating transporting the elementary students from the Fremont Campus to the Academy Campus occasionally for PE during the winter months. We have not made an official decision on that yet.
- For those students involved in elementary drama or band, we also may transport occasionally for those activities, especially close to performances.
What safety precautions will you take at the Academy Campus?
We will implement similar procedures that we have at our Fremont Campus including locked doors, security cameras, and well-lit parking lots.
Will we still be the same school?
We hold on dearly to the culture of Galesburg Christian School. We recognize that growth always brings its challenges, but we are committed to guard our culture.
Will it be ready for classes for the 2023-2024 school year?
We hope that we will have the building ready. There are quite a few things to accomplish, but we have already been gathering bids on the work that needs to be completed.
How will the band program work?
- We are still working on pursuing the right person to lead this program, and we want to give that person the ability to shape the program in a way that will work.
- We hope to have a beginning band in the 4th-5th grades where they are able to begin learning their instruments.
- We hope to have a pep band formed for the 6th-12th grade.
Will we do Christmas programs in the auditorium?
That is yet to be determined, but our thinking right now is that we would be able to do more performances of the same program, or possibly break up the performances by age group. We are excited about the possibilities!
Will there be faculty and staff at the new building full-time?
- Our junior and senior high faculty will be full-time at the Academy Campus. Our athletic staff will also be full-time at the Academy Campus.
- We are still working on what exactly we will need for our support staff at the Academy Campus.
Will there be someone at the new school serving as a secretary if I have to call over there?
We will have an office at the Academy Campus. It will be staffed by our Campus Principal, Athletic Director, and other staff members. Phone calls will continue to be answered by our main office at the Fremont Campus, but calls will be transferred when necessary.
What will happen to the building if we stop growing?
The last two years, we were over our preferred capacity. This expansion really is two years past due. We are thankful for the patience of the staff, our students, and their families as we faced a challenging situation of needing more space.
Will there be an open house at the new school?
We hope to have the building ready for the public in early August. If all goes well, we will have a celebratory open house!
What is your total fundraising goal?
Phase 1 of this project is expected to be around $625,000. This includes the purchase of the building, getting the building up to current code, building restrooms in the academic wing, paint, and minor repairs.
Can I donate stock to the school as a charitable contribution?
We do have the ability to receive securities such as stocks, mutual funds, and bonds. Please contact your brokerage firm to discuss this option of giving. Galesburg Christian School is partnering with Stifel, Nicolaus and Co. to manage these donations.
Are you hiring?
- We are looking for qualified teachers! Please apply here.
- We are also looking for those who have a bachelor’s degree who believe they have the ability to teach and manage a classroom of children.
How can I help?
- We are currently in the process of raising funds for this purchase, if you can help in that way, you can give here.
- If you would like to volunteer to help with outside clean-up, landscaping, building clean-up, painting, or moving, please complete this form.
- We could really use your help in praying for this entire process. There is much to be done before school starts!

The GCS Board has made the commitment to fully fund this expansion with donations from our faithful supporters, and not by tuition dollars. While this is challenging, we have already seen God provide in pretty amazing ways. Consider joining the movement by donating today.